1 Cute Coloring Pages | ColorBliss.art

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1 Cute coloring pages

A coloring page for 1 Cute coloring pages

Check out our collection of 1 Cute coloring pages that are free to download and print!

To get started, simply click on the coloring sheet thumbnail you want to color below and then download the image to your computer. You can then print it to color as many times as you like!

All of our coloring pages are formatted as PNG files, and will fit on standard US Letter size or A4 paper sizes.

Some favorites that you may want to check out are Cute! Scroll down to see them all.

Happy coloring!

PS - looking to get even more creative? Collect your favorite coloring sheets and print them as a custom personalized coloring book!


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Not sure what to try?
Try Spiderman at the Grand Canyon or Stained Glass Elsa!

15 Craft Ideas to do with Cute Coloring Pages

Coloring pages are a great way to encourage creativity and mindfulness, no matter your age. Here are 15 cute coloring page craft ideas that the whole family can enjoy!

1. DIY Coloring Page Garland

Print out your favorite cute coloring pages and cut them into equal-sized rectangles. Punch a hole in the top corner of each rectangle and thread a piece of twine through to create a garland. Hang it up in your child’s room or in a common area for a pop of color and creativity.

2. Coloring Page Frame

Print out a cute coloring page and have your child color it in. Once they’re finished, glue the coloring page onto a piece of construction paper or cardstock. Cut out the shape of a frame around the coloring page and glue it onto a piece of foam core or cardboard for a sturdy frame.

3. Coloring Page Coasters

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of cork or foam core. Cut the cork or foam core into a square or circular shape to create a coaster. These make great gifts for family and friends!

4. Coloring Page Collage

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of poster board or construction paper to create a collage. This is a great way to encourage your child to think creatively and tell a story through their art.

5. 3D Coloring Page Art

Print out a cute coloring page and have your child color it in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of cardstock or construction paper. Use a glue gun or hot glue to add dimension to the art by attaching pom poms, buttons, or other embellishments to the shapes.

6. Coloring Page Placemats

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of clear contact paper. Once the glue is dry, cover the contact paper with another piece to create a laminated placemat. These make great gifts for grandparents or for use at home.

7. Coloring Page Greeting Cards

Print out a cute coloring page and have your child color it in. Cut out the shape and glue it onto a piece of cardstock to create a greeting card. These make great gifts for birthdays, holidays, or just because.

8. Coloring Page Wall Art

Print out a large cute coloring page and have your child color it in. Once they’re finished, frame the coloring page and hang it up in their room or in a common area. This is a great way to add a personal touch to your home decor.

9. Coloring Page Bookmarks

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of cardstock or construction paper. Cut the cardstock or construction paper into a bookmark shape and laminate it with clear contact paper. These make great gifts for book lovers!

10. Coloring Page Mobile

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and punch a hole in the top of each shape. Thread a piece of twine or ribbon through the holes to create a mobile. Hang it up in your child’s room for a whimsical touch.

11. Coloring Page Magnets

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of magnet paper or self-adhesive magnets. These make great fridge magnets or can be used to decorate a metal filing cabinet or other magnetic surface.

12. Coloring Page Suncatchers

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of clear contact paper. Cover the contact paper with another piece to create a laminated suncatcher. Punch a hole in the top and thread a piece of ribbon or twine through to hang it up in a window.

13. Coloring Page Placemats for Pets

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of clear contact paper. Cover the contact paper with another piece to create a laminated placemat. These make great placemats for pets or can be used as a fun activity mat for young children.

14. Coloring Page Notecards

Print out several cute coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the shapes and glue them onto a piece of cardstock or construction paper. Cut the cardstock or construction paper into notecard-sized pieces and laminate them with clear contact paper. These make great notecards for thank you notes or other correspondence.

15. Coloring Page Puzzles

Print out a large cute coloring page and have your child color it in. Once they’re finished, cut the coloring page into puzzle pieces to create a DIY puzzle. This is a great way to encourage problem-solving and fine motor skills.

We hope these cute coloring page craft ideas inspire you and your family to get creative! Remember, the possibilities are endless when it comes to coloring pages, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up with your own unique ideas.