1 Fall Coloring Pages | ColorBliss.art

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1 Fall coloring pages

A coloring page for 1 Fall coloring pages

Check out our collection of 1 Fall coloring pages that are free to download and print!

To get started, simply click on the coloring sheet thumbnail you want to color below and then download the image to your computer. You can then print it to color as many times as you like!

All of our coloring pages are formatted as PNG files, and will fit on standard US Letter size or A4 paper sizes.

Some favorites that you may want to check out are Fall! Scroll down to see them all.

Happy coloring!

PS - looking to get even more creative? Collect your favorite coloring sheets and print them as a custom personalized coloring book!


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Not sure what to try?
Try Spiderman at the Grand Canyon or Stained Glass Elsa!

7 Craft Ideas to do with Fall Coloring Pages

Fall is a beautiful season filled with vibrant colors and crisp air. One of the best ways to enjoy the season is through arts and crafts. Coloring pages are a simple and affordable way to get creative, and they can be used to make a variety of fun and festive fall crafts. Here are seven ideas to get you started.

1. Fall Leaf Garland

This craft is perfect for kids and adults alike. Start by printing out a variety of fall coloring pages featuring leaves. Have your little ones color them in with their favorite fall colors. Once they’re done, cut out the leaves and punch a hole in the top of each one. Thread a piece of string or ribbon through the holes to create a garland. Hang it up in your home or classroom for a festive fall decoration.

2. Fall Centerpiece

Create a beautiful centerpiece for your dining table using fall coloring pages. Print out and color a variety of fall-themed images, such as leaves, pumpkins, and acorns. Arrange them on a tray or platter and add some fall-scented candles or pine cones. This is an easy and affordable way to add some fall flair to your home.

3. Fall Mobile

A mobile is a fun and unique way to display your fall coloring pages. Print out and color a variety of fall-themed images, then cut them out and punch a hole in the top of each one. Thread a piece of string or ribbon through the holes and tie them to a hoop or embroidery ring. Hang the mobile in a window or over a bed for a whimsical fall decoration.

4. Fall Placemats

Create personalized placemats for your fall meals using fall coloring pages. Print out and color a variety of fall-themed images, then glue them to a piece of construction paper or cardstock. Laminate the finished product to create a durable placemat that can be used again and again.

5. Fall Bookmarks

Keep your place in your favorite fall book with a handmade bookmark. Print out and color a variety of fall-themed images, then cut them out and glue them to a piece of cardstock. Punch a hole in the top and thread a piece of ribbon or string through it. These bookmarks make great gifts for friends and family who love to read.

6. Fall Wind Chimes

Create a beautiful set of wind chimes using fall coloring pages. Print out and color a variety of fall-themed images, then cut them out and punch a hole in the top of each one. Thread a piece of string or ribbon through the holes and tie them to a metal ring. Add some bells or beads to the bottom of the chimes for a musical touch.

7. Fall Journal Covers

Create a unique and personalized journal cover using fall coloring pages. Print out and color a variety of fall-themed images, then glue them to a piece of construction paper or cardstock. Wrap the paper around your journal and secure it with ribbon or twine. This is a great way to add some fall flair to your journal or notebook.