1 Baby Coloring Pages | ColorBliss.art

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1 Baby coloring pages

A coloring page for 1 Baby coloring pages

Check out our collection of 1 Baby coloring pages that are free to download and print!

To get started, simply click on the coloring sheet thumbnail you want to color below and then download the image to your computer. You can then print it to color as many times as you like!

All of our coloring pages are formatted as PNG files, and will fit on standard US Letter size or A4 paper sizes.

Some favorites that you may want to check out are Baby! Scroll down to see them all.

Happy coloring!

PS - looking to get even more creative? Collect your favorite coloring sheets and print them as a custom personalized coloring book!


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Create a free coloring page

Not sure what to try?
Try Spiderman at the Grand Canyon or Stained Glass Elsa!

16 Craft Ideas to do with Baby Coloring Pages

Coloring pages are a great way to entertain and educate babies and toddlers. But did you know that they can also be used for fun and creative crafts for both kids and adults? Here are 16 craft ideas to do with baby coloring pages:

1. DIY Coloring Book

Gather a collection of your baby’s favorite coloring pages and bind them together to create a DIY coloring book. This is a great activity for kids and adults alike, and it makes for a wonderful keepsake or gift.

2. Coloring Page Collage

Cut out different shapes and objects from coloring pages and create a collage on a piece of paper or canvas. This is a fun and easy craft for kids and can be a beautiful piece of art for adults.

3. 3D Coloring Page Sculptures

Use cardboard or foam sheets to turn 2D coloring page designs into 3D sculptures. This is a more advanced craft that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults.

4. Coloring Page Greeting Cards

Create unique and personalized greeting cards by using coloring page designs as the front cover. This is a simple and creative craft that can be done by kids and adults.

5. DIY Coloring Page Wall Art

Create a gallery wall of your baby’s coloring page art. This is a fun and easy way to decorate a playroom or bedroom, and it’s a great way to showcase your child’s creativity.

6. Coloring Page Garland

Cut out different shapes and objects from coloring pages and string them together to create a garland. This is a simple and fun craft for kids and can be used to decorate a bedroom or playroom.

7. DIY Coloring Page Placemats

Create custom placemats for your baby’s high chair by laminating coloring page designs. This is a practical and fun craft that can be done by kids and adults.

8. Coloring Page Magnets

Turn coloring page designs into magnets by attaching them to magnetic strips or self-adhesive magnets. This is a simple and fun craft for kids and a great way to decorate a refrigerator or magnetic board.

9. DIY Coloring Page Bookmarks

Create bookmarks by laminating coloring page designs and attaching a ribbon or string. This is a simple and fun craft for kids and a great way to encourage reading.

10. Coloring Page Mobile

Create a mobile for your baby’s nursery by cutting out different shapes and objects from coloring pages and attaching them to a hoop or ring. This is a simple and fun craft for kids and a great way to decorate a nursery.

11. DIY Coloring Page Puzzle

Create a puzzle by cutting out different shapes and objects from coloring pages and gluing them onto a piece of cardboard. This is a fun and educational craft for kids and adults.

12. Coloring Page Suncatcher

Create a suncatcher by gluing coloring page designs onto a piece of contact paper and cutting out different shapes. This is a simple and fun craft for kids and a great way to decorate a window.

13. DIY Coloring Page Calendar

Create a calendar by using coloring page designs as the background for each month. This is a fun and practical craft for kids and adults.

14. Coloring Page Coasters

Create coasters by laminating coloring page designs. This is a simple and fun craft for kids and a great way to protect furniture.

15. DIY Coloring Page Journal

Create a journal by binding together coloring page designs. This is a fun and creative craft for kids and adults and a great way to encourage writing and drawing.

16. Coloring Page Banner

Create a banner by cutting out different shapes and objects from coloring pages and stringing them together. This is a simple and fun craft for kids and a great way to decorate a bedroom or playroom.

These are just a few ideas for crafts that you can do with baby coloring pages. The possibilities are endless, so get creative and have fun!