6 Elsa Coloring Pages | ColorBliss.art

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6 Elsa coloring pages

A coloring page for 6 Elsa coloring pages

Check out our collection of 6 Elsa coloring pages that are free to download and print!

To get started, simply click on the coloring sheet thumbnail you want to color below and then download the image to your computer. You can then print it to color as many times as you like!

All of our coloring pages are formatted as PNG files, and will fit on standard US Letter size or A4 paper sizes.

Some favorites that you may want to check out are Elsa and Anna, Elsa crossing the Dark Sea or Elsa at Arendelle Castle! Scroll down to see them all.

Happy coloring!

PS - looking to get even more creative? Collect your favorite coloring sheets and print them as a custom personalized coloring book!

Elsa in a sun dress

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Elsa in a sun dress

Create a free coloring page

Not sure what to try?
Try Spiderman at the Grand Canyon or Stained Glass Elsa!
Elsa at the Ice Palace

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Elsa at the Ice Palace

Elsa in the Enchanted Forest

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Elsa in the Enchanted Forest

Elsa and Anna

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Elsa and Anna

Elsa crossing the Dark Sea

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Elsa crossing the Dark Sea

Elsa at Arendelle Castle

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Elsa at Arendelle Castle

20 Craft Ideas to do with Elsa Coloring Pages

Elsa from Disney's Frozen is a popular character for children to color and create art projects around. Here are 20 fun and engaging craft ideas that incorporate Elsa coloring pages.

1. Elsa Suncatcher

Print out an Elsa coloring page and have your child color it in with bright, bold colors. Cut out the character and glue it to a piece of contact paper. Place another piece of contact paper on top and trim the edges. Punch a hole in the top and hang it in a sunny window to create a beautiful suncatcher.

2. Elsa Picture Frame

Color in an Elsa picture and glue it to a piece of cardboard or foam board. Cut out the shape of a picture frame around the Elsa image. Decorate the frame with glitter, sequins, or other embellishments. Place a picture of your child in the frame for a special keepsake.

3. Elsa Wind Chime

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and punch a hole in the top of each one. Attach the Elsa images to a ring or a piece of string and hang them from a stick or dowel. Add beads or bells to the bottom of the wind chime for a musical touch.

4. Elsa Collage

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and cut out different shapes and body parts. Have your child arrange the pieces on a piece of construction paper to create a unique collage. Glue the pieces down and add any additional decorations, such as stickers or glitter.

5. Elsa Banner

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to a long piece of ribbon or string. Hang the banner across a wall or fireplace for a festive decoration.

6. Elsa Mobile

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and attach them to a hanger or a ring. Add string or yarn to each character and hang them at different lengths to create a mobile.

7. Elsa Notecards

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to the front of notecards. Use the notecards to write letters or notes to friends and family.

8. Elsa Garland

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to a long piece of ribbon or string. Hang the garland across a wall or door for a festive decoration.

9. Elsa Coasters

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to the top of a coaster. Add a layer of clear sealant to protect the coaster and make it waterproof.

10. Elsa Placemats

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to a piece of construction paper or foam board. Add a layer of clear sealant to protect the placemat and make it easy to clean.

11. Elsa Bookmarks

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to a piece of cardstock or heavy paper. Add a tassel or a ribbon to the bottom for a functional and decorative bookmark.

12. Elsa Picture Book

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Bind the pages together with a ring or a spiral binding to create a picture book. Add captions or a story to make it a complete book.

13. Elsa Wall Art

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Frame the pages and hang them on the wall as a set of coordinating wall art.

14. Elsa Magnets

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to a piece of magnetic sheet. Cut out the shape of the magnet and attach it to the back of the Elsa image.

15. Elsa Ornaments

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to a piece of cardboard or foam board. Add a loop of ribbon or string to the top and hang them on the tree as ornaments.

16. Elsa Lantern

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to the outside of a jar or can. Add a tea light or a battery-operated light to the inside for a fun and festive lantern.

17. Elsa Puppets

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to the front of craft sticks or straws. Use the puppets to put on a puppet show or to play imaginative games.

18. Elsa Sun Catcher Mobile

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and punch a hole in the top of each one. Attach the Elsa images to a hanger or a ring and add string or yarn to each character. Hang the mobile in a sunny window to create a beautiful and colorful sun catcher.

19. Elsa Windsock

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and glue them to a long piece of ribbon or streamer. Attach the ribbon to a ring or a stick and hang it outside to create a fun and festive windsock.

20. Elsa Party Decorations

Print out several Elsa coloring pages and have your child color them in. Cut out the characters and use them as decorations for an Elsa-themed party. Hang them from the ceiling, attach them to the walls, or use them as table decorations. These 20 craft ideas are just a starting point for using Elsa coloring pages. With a little creativity and imagination, you can come up with even more fun and engaging projects for your child to enjoy.